I received a number of interesting letters lately about our weekly devotions and sharing answered prayers. So I’m taking a spring break and letting others do the writing:
Dear Larry, I thought you might be interested in knowing that your e-mail devotions have become “world travelers”. I just returned from a mission trip to Venezuela where I was asked to speak at the English speaking Baptist church in Maracaibo. This was a spur of the moment request and I was rescued by your weekly devotionals “Turning Points” entitled Job and One String. The volunteer mission group held devotions each morning, and I had taken my copies of your weekly series to use at that time. What a blessing! By combining the two weeks on Job and expanding the topic a bit, I had a sermon!!! Thank you for your work and your commitment to serving God. It is amazing how God can use our everyday activity to spread the Gospel. Sowing Seeds of Faith is presented in such down-to-earth fashion that it truly reaches people. You don’t have to be a theologian to understand the message. Your sister in Christ, Jean (Click here for story)
The story of your dog Honey touched my heart. Our Chablis looks just like her and we even have a picture with a birthday hat. Chablis has not been herself for several days now and in my heart I feel her time is coming soon. She lives with my sister and her old spunk was not there. This is hurting. She is 10 now. Thank you for your web site and the wonderful story of Honey. Thanks, J (Click here for story.)
What a wonderful surprise to get your mail plus all the others from all over the world. Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness and kindness in what you did with regard to setting up the prayer chain for Ryan. I know for sure that the soaking of Ryan in prayer will produce the desired results. As a start Ryan was discharged from the hospital today. He feels great, is in a little pain, but quite controllable. His faith and his attitude are so positive that he is already planning a bike trip up through Africa to Zanzibar and Kenya. This is awesome for only a week ago he was hospitalized due to unbearable pain and convulsions. Thanks again for your concern and love. Vince (Click here for Prayer Needs)
Larry, I wanted to let you know that I appreciate the effort you put into your weekly devotions. I am the Webmaster for my church’s online web site, and have started adding a weekly devotion and a newsletter myself, and realize that what you do is not all that easy. In Christ, Casey
Rev. Davies, I need to tell you just how much I appreciate you and your little church. I sent in a prayer request last week because my home life has been turned up side down. My husband of 5 years told me he didn’t love me anymore that he felt trapped in our marriage and wasn’t happy… Since I put in the prayer request I have gotten some answers!! My husband wants to continue counseling and come home. I am praying now that with God’s help his attitude will turn around. He will realize the good in our lives instead of focusing so much on the bad. I ask that you would continue to pray for us. I thank God for you, your ministry and your congregation. Prayer is an AWESOME thing. Victoria
Dear Larry: Many moons ago, I was fortunate to attend an Emmaus gathering when you gave us one of your books, “Sowing Seeds of Faith… In a World Gone Bonkers.” You included an envelope with $7.43. We were to sow seeds or do a good deed. I kept this and searched for a place to sow. Nothing happened until this November of 1999. I was part of a medical team to Sri Lanka for two weeks. At lunch one day, I had the opportunity to talk with a Catholic nun who goes among the poorest of the poor and brings children to her school to teach them and provide clothing and food. Otherwise they would not have anything, not even a bowl of rice. I visited the school and saw such precious children. They are beautiful. They sang for us about Jesus. At that moment, I knew that I needed to give the sister my $7.43. She is a humble Christian lady. The $7.43 would go to buy crackers or juice for the children – a rare treat. Thank you for sharing $7.43 with a part of the world that is really in need and much of it has really “gone bonkers.” May the year 2000 give us many opportunities to share. Peace, Pauline
Do you want to write a letter or share an answered prayer? Send it to me at sowseeds@nesbeonline.com
1 Comment
zephania moguche · November 6, 2012 at 9:29 am
Dear brethren,
I greet you in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ our savior.My name are Zephaniah moguche.from itare fellowship church.It is God,s will to introduce our selves to to you that we are a church which is not under any church ministry.I as a church pastor and leader, I kindly request you to allow us to join you and work together.I as pastor I need your advice and some teachings from you which I will use to teach my church members.Thank you for being patient in the Lord, and the followers of the Lord. I Proved this after visiting your wonderful and interesting website.Beloved,thank you and God bless you as you make decision of accepting us.We are a church which is struggling to make and prepare the way of God and it believes Jesus who was baptized in water by John and that is the way it does.
I will like to ask a question from the bible.
in Mathew 13;31 to 33.
What Jesus meant when He said this
the kingdom of heaven is like a grain of the mustard seed which man took and sowed in his field.another parable is, the kingdom of heave-nth the kingdom of heaven is like aleaven which a woman took and hid in their measures of meal which was leavened..
Brethren,I kindly request you to expound it if you can be able please,
Thank you for taking time and read this letter.
may the Lord bless you and your families.
I hope and trust to hear from you soon.
Yours in faith,
pastor Zephania moguche.
p.o.box 157,
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