Thanks to your letters of support and your prayers countless lives have been saved. I wanted you to see a few prevention stories and their thank you letters. Also included are a few web sites you may find helpful.


—–Original Message—–
From: Ed Helper []
It is less than one month ago that I was strongly considering suicide and used the Sowing Seeds site to reach out for help. I felt hopeless, worthless and was considering suicide to provide insurance monies for my family. What has happened since then is that I enrolled in an outpatient program for depression/suicide, started taking anti-depressant medication and now I’m into individual therapy. I am still facing the same issues, but for me suicide is no longer an option for their resolution. Remember that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Also, it leaves a permanent mark on those close to you since they question if they did everything they could have done, why didn’t they see the signs, etc. In fact there are many websites that are specifically for the grieving process for those affected by a suicide. I found the following website to be a good one to get you to not commit suicide and to seek help:


—–Original Message—–
From: AF []
Mr. Davies, a few months ago I wrote to you to share some difficulties I was having. At the time I wanted nothing else in life than to commit suicide. You posted that concern and I received many e-mails and a lot of concern was shown to me. I have been feeling the need to update everyone on my progress. Since writing you last God has, obviously, spared me another suicide attempt. God brought some people into my life that allowed me to realize and admit that I was a drug addict. I was always afraid to admit that to anyone because people have a tendency to look down on you and treat you like you are really “scum”. There were a lot of prayers that went up on my behalf during this time from members of sowing seeds ministry. Without that, I don’t know that I would be sitting here today. Thank God not only am I sitting here but I am sitting here drug and alcohol free. I didn’t do that–GOD DID!! God is now preparing me for his work in that ministry. You made this statement: “God created you to help others recover.” I have come to believe that more than ever before. Please encourage other readers that no matter what they are going through GOD WILL use them in the future to help others. I speak from experience. Thank you for this wonderful outreach ministry. Alicia


—–Original Message—–
From: Janet Roberts []
Rev. Davies, I have been totally overwhelmed at the number of people who have taken time to respond to me. I do not know how, but I can feel the strength they are sending. Maybe, just maybe, there is someone near who needs me too. I know that I have to reach out but I don’t know how. There is one thing I have found out…..I have been an RN for years and if asked I would have told you that those who commit suicide are weak, cowardly and selfish. I know now that at least in my case, I gave no thought to who would find my body or the pain I would cause others. I wanted relief from the pain. It is not as simple as self centeredness. It is more the need to end pain. I also know that emotional pain is every bit as painful as physical pain. The betrayal of someone who was the world to you or the loss of a loved one causes more pain than someone who has never suffered these things could possibly know. People who commit suicide are simply at the end of their pain tolerance. This I believe. They mean no harm and are convinced that this action is best for everyone. There is no selfishness intended. I now am faced with the monumental task of trying to make the two people in my life understand that what I did last weekend was done without malice. I see now what this suicide would have done to my children, but I did not then. If someone close to me had tried or actually committed suicide….. the first thing I would have thought of would have been… didn’t they love me enough to want to stay with me? How can I explain that the problem is much more convoluted than that? I have been given a lot to think about by those that have responded… and for that I am grateful. Janet

If you are considering suicide or know someone who is… call for help: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or click on

For an article that will answer the question: Why Live? Click here


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