Jesus told a story about a widow and two coins, that I studied, preached and taught for years but until recently, missed part of what Jesus was teaching. Here is the story:
While Jesus was in the Temple, He watched rich people dropping gifts in the collection box. Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins. “I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.” (Luke 21:1-4)
They have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she has given everything.
When I read this story, I think about money. When I talk about this story, I talk about money. If the story is about money, the widow is the perfect giver. Not content to give God her leftovers, the widow gives it all.
A message about giving money is pretty good. We should give generously. But Jesus always offered a deeper meaning with any of his parables. In the last sentence he said: “For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.” Jesus was using money as an illustration about commitment and ultimately, faith.
They have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she has given everything.
One group gave what they always gave, did what they always did and lived their lives pretty much as they always lived. They might do without an occasional Starbucks coffee or a nicer restaurant meal but the sacrifice involved, the testing of their faith, the sacrificial commitment to God is minimal.
What would it mean if like the widow we were willing to step away from our cocoon of comfort and safety and give everything? How would that change us? Would we act differently?
• What if giving everything meant changing the way you act around your friends?
• What if giving everything meant changing the way you act toward your family?
• What if giving everything meant changing the way you spend your free time?
• What if giving everything meant reevaluating your career choice?
• What if giving everything meant a drastic change in your lifestyle?
Years ago, I was closer to the faith of the widow then I am today. I made significant commitments that changed my life dramatically. But now, I have grown comfortable and secure so I too must ask the same questions. The story of the widow’s extraordinary gift is a story about commitment and ultimately… faith.
They have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she has given everything. For example:
Brian Masinick managed and directed my Sowing Seeds Prayer Ministry and Website for many years. During that time, Brian lost his job due to industry lay-offs several times. He experienced heartache and tragedy that would severely test anyone’s faith. Yet he has remained an encourager for our ministry, answering the prayers of literally thousands of people worldwide with continual words of encouragement and comfort. For example, he recently wrote this to someone experiencing tragedy and asking for prayer:
“For every struggle, there are things to learn, people to meet, and ways to encourage others. If you look and pray, there are plenty of opportunities out there, and if you are bold enough to seek them, I am positive that God will not only bless you, He will also take good care of you, and ultimately reward you. I am not done struggling; neither am I done working hard, doing my best, praying for others, and trusting God for everything. May God bless you and provide a bright path for you even when things seem discouraging. Look for what God is doing in your life, and I am positive that He, in His time, will show you something wonderful!”
Brian Masinick in his letter demonstrates the faith of the widow in so many ways. He writes:
• For every struggle, there are things to learn, people to meet and ways to encourage others.
• If you look and pray there are plenty of opportunities.
• I am not done struggling.
• Even when things seem discouraging, look for what God is doing in your life.
• I am positive that He, in His time, will show you something wonderful!
Two people make their commitment before God. One writes a big check but it’s only a tiny portion of what he is capable of offering. The other offers everything she has in faith and trust that ultimately God will provide. She is well aware that she is not done struggling but looks forward to the opportunities ahead.
They have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she has given everything.