God’s Church In Action

Go and make disciples. Teach them. God will be with you. Then… expect a miracle. This is what the church should and could be. One young man starts a ministry on Facebook. A Sunday school class provides badly needed winter coats for children. A prayer group notices someone needing help and becomes a catalyst for bringing churches and cultures together. God’s church in action.

Anger and the Brightly Lit Cross

After a few minutes of standing quietly, I began to understand the reason for my anger. It wasn’t about church attitudes or programs. It wasn’t even the speaker that was causing my anger. The problem was within me. Underneath the glow of the cross, the words of the speaker became a divine warning aimed directly at me. I was the one focusing on creative programming ideas while neglecting my own relationship with God. My priorities were focused on people rather than God: programs rather than relationships. It was so simple, yet I almost missed it.

An Invitation

The ‘feast’ describes God’s invitation to go out into the world and be the church, make a difference, heal the sick, help the poor, care for the needy. Our ideal response should be to say ‘yes’ with faith believing that our service to God is more important than our occupation, our family or even our very lives. We say yes, knowing there are obstacles but trusting in God to provide answers, resources and courage to enable us to do far more than we ever imagined possible.

Remembering Daisy

Some of you may be saying, Daisy is a dog, a pet. It’s one thing to be emotional but isn’t this kind of love and attention a little much? Maybe. Maybe not. But I learned a lot over the last few months. God occasionally puts us in situations which bring little honor or praise. Caring for Daisy taught me the importance of serving others with humility and grace.