Rounding the Bases

October 23, 2024 1:52 PM

Rounding the Bases

Romans chapter 7, Acts 2:36-47

Have you ever battled for control over your own life? Many of us fight that battle every day. Our opponent is not someone in our family or someone at work or even someone who is angry. As a cartoon character once put it: “We have met the enemy and he or she is us.” I can sympathize with Paul when he says: “I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it.” (Romans 7:15-16) Paul is sharing something personal. He wants to act right, but he doesn’t. It’s as if he has a split personality. Knowing you have a problem helps but we still need answers.

The early church understood the problem and responded: All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper,) and to prayer. - Acts 2:42

● Teaching – Connecting with God through worship & studying scripture.
● Fellowship – Mutual support in joy or sorrow.
● Sharing – Sharing food, resources, and time to anyone in need.
● Prayer – Deepening our personal relationship through the Holy Spirit.

This is an important foundation for any church. Even the best athlete can only go so far on his or her own physical and mental ability. Sooner or later, every athlete needs the aid of a knowledgeable and talented coach. Like athletes we cannot live the Christian life alone. We need Christ and the church in the same way an athlete needs a coach.

So how do we do that? Belonging to a local church is like stepping in to the batter’s box in baseball. This is where the journey begins. You decide to attend one church or another. You’re not on base yet but you sense a need for what a church offers. In baseball a pitcher is doing his best to strike you out or force you to hit a ball that will be fielded, and you are thrown out before you can reach first base. In life we face job difficulties, family squabbles, financial issues, health concerns and/or emotional trauma. So, you seek out a church for help. Hopefully, you find a loving, caring church which gets you to first base.

Then the real work begins: teaching, fellowship, sharing & prayer. First base is your opportunity to sample all of it and become a part. Second base is about experiencing a church’s teaching in worship and in small groups. Third base is about more involvement in ministry and mission. As you round third base and head for home, you realize you are now being coached by a loving God and a caring church. Coming home is your opportunity to share with others what you’ve been given. For some, that could mean leading a ministry or group. For all of us, it’s about looking for opportunities to share our story and God’s amazing love and grace with others.

Years ago, I asked a group of men in our church to attend a meeting where we learned the value of supporting each other. The leader challenged us to name five close friends other than our spouse with whom we shared our deepest struggles and joys. Most of us couldn’t name five or even four or even one. Sigh! That night we formed a men’s group and vowed to meet early every Sunday morning. We ate breakfast, shared Scripture, laughed some, cried occasionally and told stories. We learned to depend upon Christ and each other and we became close friends.

More recently, I belonged to another men’s group that met every Tuesday morning, sharing stories, discussing Scripture, and current events. We depend upon Christ and each other. I came to this group regularly, not because of my job but because they are my group, my supporters, and my friends.

Why do we need church? Because we are a group of people who need Jesus and need each other. I want to round the bases toward a deeper relationship with God and serve my community and world. Praise God for my close friends and for my church. I truly have a lot to be thankful for.

Prayer Challenge: How is God leading you to become more involved in ministry?

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