Resolutions & John the Baptist

January 6, 2025 2:22 PM

Luke 3:1-14

One of my New Year’s Resolutions every year is to get organized. I will buy a book, one or two check list pads, maybe a computer program all in hopes of organizing my life. Is the expense worth it? Not usually.

Michelle Singletary suggests four resolutions: “Resolve to mend broken relationships, become healthier, become more connected, resolve to help the poor.”

But, if you ever want to meet someone who will tell you what he/she thinks, meet John the Baptist. If he were a preacher, he would be kicked out of every church. “You brood of snakes! Who warned you to flee the coming wrath? Prove by the way you live you have repented of your sins and turned to God. Don’t just say, ‘We’re safe, because we’re good church members. That means nothing, God can create good church members from the dirt in this carpet.” (from Luke 3:7-8)

Do you feel warm and cherished? We don’t like messages like this. Neither did the crowd listening to John the Baptist. None of us relish the idea of facing the reality of what we planted. That our apathy and our lifestyle can one day catch up to us. That’s the bad news but there is help readily available. Even during mistakes, mess-ups, bad choices and yes… sin, God loves us. God cares for us.

So, what do we do? We repent. When was the last time you got on your knees and said, “Oh, God, I’m going my own way. Forgive me.” John the Baptist provides a blueprint: Share, be honest, be content. John is paving the way for Jesus who will get us off our knees and enable us to change. To understand forgiveness and grace, we must first understand our mistakes, mess-ups, bad choices and ultimately our sin.

Here is my resolution: “I resolve to deepen my relationship with God and anticipate miracles and not let fear hold me back.” What usually holds us back from these kinds of serious commitments can be summed up by that one word: FEAR.

I discovered two interesting ways to express FEAR as an acrostic: Forget. Everything. And. Run. Or Face. Everything. And. Rise.

What choice will you make? Someone once said: “Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship with God.” How is your relationship? Resolve this year to deepen your relationship with God, anticipate miracles and don’t let FEAR hold you back.

Prayer Challenge: Which FEAR will you choose? What are your resolutions?