January 22
Newly Published: A Daily Dose of Godly Encouragement: Book 2: Spring
Paperback and Kindle Version Book 1 available on Amazon.com – Click here.
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January 22 – Three Emails
Ephesians 4:25-32
Three emails came at various times. Each writer expresses, a need to connect with God, to be forgiven and receive a fresh start.
“It has been 15 years since my first abortion. I have been coming to terms with my past and it scares me. I remember the first one vividly. I remember the date, sights and sounds and smell. The other two, I have no memory at all. I need help with forgiveness, but it is a daily struggle.”
After a person experiences abortion, there often follows a lifetime of what ifs, grief, guilt, shame, and regrets.
“I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face, thankful to Jesus after hours of surfing the net and typing ‘Christian & Divorce.’ Perhaps my best bet would be to drive my car over a bridge rather than face the rest of my life as a divorced Christian woman. I read about your divorce recovery and God caused a tiny glimmer of hope to rise in me. I am hurting so badly because like many Christians, I never believed this would happen to me. I just need to know that Jesus can take the ashes of my life and restore me. Please pray for me.”
Divorce is never the end. Divorce recovery can lead to restoration.
“I am the teacher who stumbled upon your website. I asked you to pray that I would find my way to God. Thanks to your website, I received at least a dozen responses. I never expected to have people write and try to help me. The support and advice given to me by complete strangers was nothing short of miraculous. I am learning the value of “praying without ceasing,” and I am beginning to develop a relationship with God and Jesus. Thank you.”
A teacher desperately searches for hope and faith and people respond. Many shared their own struggles and how God answered in miraculous ways.
Life is full of mistakes, sorrows, difficulties, obstacles and disappointments. Yet through it all, I discovered story after story of God working miracles, saving lives, touching hearts, and mending souls.
Prayer: Thank you for your continuing response to those seeking faith and hope.