Earthquakes, Drought and Hurricane Irene
Where were you when the earthquake struck Virginia? I was in a restaurant in Virginia Beach that was built on pilings over the water. The building started swaying. I thought a ship struck the pier. The shaking was so violent, the restaurant almost slipped into the sea. It took us a few minutes to realize what happened but we are thankful everyone is okay so far.
However, three of our United Methodist churches near Mineral, Virginia sustained damage. Here is an email sent from a friend who lives in Mineral. Sharon teaches music in a local school.
Subject: Earthquake news
The situations around here are so sad. Almost no one has earthquake insurance. So many people with damage that they can’t pay to repair. We have been spared it looks like, but many are in a bad way! Our church-Mineral UMC- has a lot of damage and our friends’ church, Gilboa Christian built in the early 1800’s is probably going to have to be torn down. On our little Main Street, the bank, the plumbing store, the post office, the exterminator and the little grocery store that was shown on the National News are all closed with structural damage.
I love their spirit though. The high school kids and some of their parents have started emailing Extreme Makeovers and Oprah hoping that they might help! These people will give everything they’ve got to get things working. They are determined that every child will be back in school somewhere on the 6th. Please continue to keep this community in your prayers. It’s a long road ahead! — Sharon
Stop Hunger Now – Meals for Somalia
One of the worst droughts in history has devastated Somalia. Hundreds are dying of starvation every day. On top of everything it has been very difficult to even get food into the area because of the gangs controlling the area. However, Stop Hunger Now has managed to get badly needed supplies to orphanages and schools in the area. We have the chance to help.
Bring a donation and a willingness to help to Heritage UMC at 3 PM, this Sunday and we will package at least 20,000 meals but I would love to package and pay for 50,000 meals if we possibly can. We really need you. This is a huge project and we need all the help we can get. Come and bring a friend, a youth group or anyone else. Let’s do our part to help.
Hurricane Irene
Hurricane Irene is heading for the coast as I write this. Please join me in praying for everyone on the coast as the storm seems to be gathering strength for a big hit. Then be ready for a call to action as we send teams to help clean up the damage and the debris. Be safe this week and then be ready to help.