Children have a way of asking the most interesting questions. Many years ago, I was busy studying when my then eleven-year-old son, Stephen, walked into the office and asked: “Dad, how did you ever become a minister?”

            “I received a ‘call’ from God, son.” 

            He obviously wasn’t satisfied: “What does that mean, dad? Did God call you on the telephone?”

            Looking up, I said in jest, “Why of course, God did call me on the phone.”

            Stephen with a trace of a giggle: “What telephone number did you use to call God…1-800-HEAVEN?”

            I mentally counted out the letters and answered, “That’s close, but the actual number is 1-800-2HEAVEN!” At that Stephen grinned and left the room while I continued reading.

            A few minutes later, my mischievous son came back into the room with a twinkle in his eye and smile on his face: “I called 1-800-2HEAVEN. Do you want to know what happened?”

            Quickly putting down my book, “I’ve got to hear this!”


            “I called 1-800-2HEAVEN and an answering machine said they were closed now, but please call back between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.”

            After we finished laughing, we both concluded, God does answer “Calls,” but only from 8 – 5, Monday through Friday.


            Does God really “Call” us?


            Yes, of course, but don’t take my word for it. I did a word search in the Bible and found “call” or “called” or “calling” appears in the Bible 779 times. Here are a few examples:


  • ·         Are you looking for answers to tough questions? “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. (Isaiah 55:6)
  • ·         Do you wonder if God hears your cry for help? “I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.” (Ps 17:6)
  • ·         Do you need to know God forgives you? “But I call to God, and the Lord saves me.” (Ps 55:16)
  • ·         Are you feeling poorly? “Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him…” (James 5:14)
  • ·         Do you feel unworthy of hearing God’s call? “Jesus said: ‘It is not the healthy, who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 2:17)
  • ·         Are you wondering what God has planned for you? “For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.” (1 Thessalonians 4:7)


            God’s call is an exciting part of our regular Christian walk. Are you ready to hear it?

            Several years ago, I called 1-800-2Heaven again and received yet another recording. This time a sweet, soft voice replied,  “Heavenly Tahoe Vacations Inc. At the conclusion of the recording they happily promised an angelic vacation package to meet every need.”


            Is this a great country or what?

1 Comment

D.E.F · September 25, 2011 at 2:46 am

god bless our nation.

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